Just because your loved one has been diagnosed doesn’t mean they won’t enjoy your company or actually doing an activity! Spending time with a family member or friend in the middle or late stages of Alzheimer’s can be meaningful and fun! You should take into consideration activities your loved one has always enjoyed. What do they like to do? What are they able to do? What are they in the mood for today? These are ideas suggested by the Alzheimer’s Association of America.
Here are a few ideas to get started outdoors!
Take a walk
Make a snow man
Plant flowers
Water plants
Feed the birds
Rake leaves
Go to the park
Sit on a bench or a swing
Watch dogs at a dog park
Play catch or toss a ball
Play horseshoes
Visit a beach or forest preserve
Sweep the porch or patio
Set up a picnic on the lawn or in the backyard
Sit on the porch and drink coffee, hot chocolate or lemonade
Inside activities can be fun and meaningful
Listen to the person’s favorite music
Look at family photo albums
Prepare afternoon tea
Watch a favorite sport on television
Model with play dough
Play checkers or dominos
Name the presidents
Look at photos in a photography book or magazine
Identify states on a U.S. map
Complete a puzzle together
Read from one of their favorite books
Watch a favorite movie or sitcom
Watch a sporting event
Ask the person about his or her childhood, siblings, school, pets or first car
Read the newspaper together or read it to them
Play a card game
Color in a coloring book
Personal contact can be enjoyed
Give the person a hand massage with lotion
Brush his or her hair
Give the person a manicure
Take photos of the person and make a collage
Encourage the person to talk more about subjects they enjoy
Make a family tree posterboard
Do something in the kitchen
Bake cookies or bread
Set the table
Make the person’s favorite lunch or snack
Wash and dry dishes
Put silverware away
Celebrate family holiday traditions
Listen to favorite holiday music
Bake holiday desserts
Color eggs
Carve a pumpkin or make a pumpkin pie
Decorate a tree
Create holiday greeting cards
Watch a favorite holiday movie
The important thing is to stay engaged with your loved one and keep them as engaged as possible to help them with their journey! Keep their well being top of mind and always make certain they are up for the activity and won’t hurt themselves or people near them.